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slow joanne

whenever someone isn’t understanding something properly or at all, you call them a ‘slow joanne’

mymy: the third letter in hello is ‘l’
lili: i don’t get it
lala: of course you don’t, slow joanne

by yadeeyadeeya June 6, 2021

1👍 2👎

pissy slow

is when someone is moving really slow and it is pissing you off

jay:come on man its time to go
ralph:hold on dude
Jay:dude come on your movin like pissy slow i got somewhere to be dammit

by ROCKstr FAMOus June 12, 2008

Slow 90s

We all know that the 90s was the best years ever so if you have Slow 90s ur pretty lame lmao

You have a Slow 90s

by The90s May 10, 2019

Slow Roll

An average of 38+ km/h

Scott Henshaw got on the front of the bunch and did a "slow roll"

by Exchange July 18, 2015

slow bump

Slowly bottoming out in the girlfriends asshole

Chris slow bumped Chelsea’s asshole

by Show pony March 21, 2022

Slow it down make it bouncy

Slow it down make it bouncy.

Es ist kein einfaches Wort oder nur ein Sinnloser Satz,

es ist eine Lebenseinstellung.

Nimm diese Weisheit mit in dein zukünftiges leben, und nie wird dir an irgendetwas mangeln.

höre Slow it down make it bouncy
hle Slow it down make it bouncy
WERDE Slow it down make it bouncy

darauf das deine Slow it down make it Bouncy-heit dir immer beistehen wird.

Der Shorty in blue meint "Slow it down make it bouncy", der Shorty in blue ist unser wahrer Captain. höre auf ihn. Also los. Slow it down make it bouncy

Yuyu superior.

by AvarageKpopStanHEHEHE January 10, 2024

Slow Moe

When you bend over and let someone slowly insert their penis into your anus.

Cory bent Darin over and gave him the Slow Moe.

by JLDub November 9, 2023