Source Code

Star Citizen

Space sim full of ED:Odyssey refugees. with expensive space boats, bugs, and mediocre frames per second, it somehow manages to be fun.

Person 1: Hey, wanna play Star Citizen with me?
Person 2: Star citizen is just scam citizen.

by Tewam February 15, 2022

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Blue Stars

Badass drum corps

Guy 1: Did you see Tarpon Springs' jason bourne show? it was so awesome!

Guy 2: Blue Stars did a better job

by jeff134212434234 January 3, 2012

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blue stars

a type of Ecstasy pill; blue stars are a certain MG

yER0 maynnn; wheRe daaa staRsss atttt?!

which oness ?

daa blue stars niiiiiggehhh ;


by dANiEllA dE dElAWARE; October 9, 2009

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Star Trek

Television series.

Premise; They use fake science words and stuff happens in space. Bonus, each episode features a moral to learn from at the end of the episode.

Drew, did you see how they used the hypersonic-gammaflange on last night's episode of Star Trek?

by Fubia February 24, 2020

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barack star

A rock star who actively promotes Barack Obama to the detriment of his/her fans and music

Person #1: Will.I.Am was so cool before he became a barack star
Person #2: Will.I.Am hasn't been cool since the 'Bullworth' soundtrack

by rock_lobster December 2, 2009

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Poo Star

Noun - You know who they are:
- A person scamming people for money
- Someone that uses something that isn't theirs
- People that are constantly losing
- One that gets banned for cheating
- No Skills at what they do
- A liar, fraud, loser, bum, hypocrite
- A very sad individual

Definition - A person who is basically all types of negative bundled up into one. Beware!!

DirtyMoose: What's up Kush? What's new today?

Kush: Nothin much, except I'm hearing that Irv is spreading rumors again about me.

DirtyMoose: Don't trip off him, Irv is nothin but A Brown Poo Star, I tried warning you about him.

Kush: True you did warn me about him. Lol funny.. Poo Star, thats a perfect word for him

DirtyMoose: Even funnier if you look it up on urbandictionary

Kush: I'll have to look it up later.

Poo Star:
Mondays Coon Fake Lair Snake Rat Hacker PowerTrip Banned Tamper Weak Bitch Made Child Busybody aardvark Mooch Loser

by LiC Og April 1, 2014

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silver star

a lesbian who has had sex with only one man but wasn't aroused at all. usually when they found out they were in fact lesbian due to the lack of arousal. similar to a gold star.

Tina's a silver star lesbian. She was only with a man once and she knew right then that she was lesbian because she didn't get aroused from it at all.

by ashleyashleybobashley January 4, 2009

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