Source Code

Never ending story

When something lives on after it’s end

- “He’s a never ending story
-“Even tho this is over, we’re a never ending story”

by Coolboy17264 March 9, 2021

60 grit story

When you're given a line of bullshit so bad it feels like you are getting plummeted up the ass with a dildo rapped in 60 grit sandpaper.

Ed passed on the shift with a 60 grit story so bad I had to shove tampons up ass to stop the bleeding.

by Clamer July 28, 2016

Pull a Toy Story

When you suddenly go limp falling into a toy like resting position on the floor, furniture, or both(If your creative) exactly like the toys did when Andy walks in the room in the movie Toy Story (Duh).

This tactic is Useful during awkward or otherwise unavoidable social situations.

Situation 1:

Black Guy: "What do you mean, "You People"?? "
White Guy: *Pull a Toy Story*

Situation 2:

The BOSS: "Man when I walked in Pablo's office to ask for

his reports, we was just sitting in the corner

limp and wouldn't respond.. WTF??

Guy talking to Boss: " Naa man, hes just pulling a Toy


by R.B.B. !! March 15, 2011

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Back Story Bore

Someone who refuses to answer a simple question and insists on giving you their entire life story.

“....and then I wanted to plant tulips but I just don’t think our soil is right for it...”
“Sir! I just need to know, soup or salad!” Said the poor waitress after a 5 minute story from the Back Story Bore on table 8.

“Can I get your name please, ma’am?”
“Well I called because I got this letter and I was going to call yesterday when I got it but then my sister called and then it started to rain so I had to....”
MA’AM!!! I need your name before I can even help you!” Denise screamed at the back story bore who was eating into her lunch hour.

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

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long story, no plot

A euphemism used when a story's actual details are too complicated to understand, or too embarassing to get into, or just too boring to bother with wasting the other person's time.

"Why did you two break up?"
"Long story, no plot."

by Alexandra August 6, 2004

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cool story dad

What you say to your father when he starts babbling

Dad: I know what dorks like you think like because when I was a little boy with a little penis i was a bully and blablablah...

Boy: Okay, cool story dad.

by rek-cram February 6, 2011

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Cute Story Hoe

Similar to the phrase Cool Story Bro yet directed towards a person of the female gender. This sarcastically used phrase indicates one's disinterest or apathy towards said female's pointless and/or uninteresting story.

Girl: So the other day I was shopping and found the cutest outfit ever!

Boy: Cute Story Hoe~

by ABloodyTeaParty August 29, 2011

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