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take the biscuit

To be the epitome of something, typically something unpleasant. To stand as the best (or more likely worst) example of a series of things.

Of all the slimy schemes Jim's pulled over the years, his attempt to pay a psychologist to testify in court that Marie, whom Jim had actually repeatedly raped the previous year, was merely paranoid, just has to take the biscuit.

by Fearman February 22, 2008

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take a crap

Pretty self explanatory. Can be accompanied by a session of jacking off or sucking cocks.

First I'm gonna take a crap, then jack off, then suck cocks with that swamp donkey.

by Jaimev July 10, 2005

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taking a piss

Phrase used it the UK to describe the action of taking advantage of the situation, in particular at work. Basically putting the least amount of work possible without getting sacked. The UK English equivalent of mailing it in in US English.

Q: Where is that damn capacity report, Tara should've been done 2 weeks ago?
A: Tara is taking a piss.

by Call Me Ishmael May 25, 2007

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Take a Daily

Having a bowel movement, taking a dump, pinching a loaf, crapping.

Mom, I'll meet you in the car. I have to take a daily.

by pppooooo August 27, 2009

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Take a Gangsta

Basically it means you need to go to the restroom and do number two. I made it up down where I stay in the South so that if someone was around me and they don't need to know what I am about to do, I say that.

Say dog, I got to take a gangsta right now.

by J. A. October 30, 2007

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take ownership

Being forced to take on someone else's shit jobs

Boss - Hi I need you to Take Ownership of cleaning the toilet...

Worker - I need you to Take Ownership of my arse

by Rudebwoy39 November 21, 2017

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taking it on the road

In reference to the shoddy job most road construction crews do.
A job that to the visible eye seems complete but is actually done half assed and sloppily.

To rush through a job or project in order to be done with it, cutting corners so as not to be detected by outsiders.

I don't really have time to make apple pie to bring to Thanksgiving Dinner so I'm taking it on the road and getting one from the corner bakery and I'll say it's mine.

by Pamann October 28, 2010

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