A disfigured vagina requiring corrective surgery from the result of riding ones bicycle for a extended period of time.
"I've ridden my bike for 20hrs this week, my vagina is a flat mash after that"
Pounding it flat is the act of sex where the male takes authority and aggressively thrusts his penis into the vagina. Therefore pounding it flat would be a proper term.
"Kattie wanted it so bad that I decided to pound it flat"
A flop black and white movie of the 1960's, made by Coleman Francis, where there was little dialogue. There was a lot of narrator dialogue than the regular in movie character dialogue. The narrator kept rambling nonsensical things repeatedly like "flag on the moon", "how did it get there?", When there was very little with those dialogues to do anything with the movie. The antagonist which was a man gone brain-dead from a nuclear explosion, made sounds of a beast that sounded so fake like "AAAAAAA!!!!".
The movie was satirized in the show Mystery Science Theater 3000.
"I heard that when the The Beast of Yucca Flats was released, a film critic called the movie as one the worst movies ever made. "
Term used in reference to laying on your side in bed, in between laying flat on your back and flat on your stomach
You are laying flat on your side
When to people perform intercourse by laying flat on each other and slow rubbing them selves together
“Jessica is so boring, all we did was flat screen”
How bad is it raining ? Like a bull pissing on a flat rock