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moon cricket

black male that screams like monkey

My god there is a moon cricket in Zanesfield!

by carlos spicy weiner256 October 8, 2021

Moon Cricket

A young black male who comes out at night making threats, speaking lies, divulging private information and reciting events of the past, that the average person would say is out of line. He comes across big like a monster truck mud tire when he has his folks around him. When he is alone he hides in a corner somewhere scared and if you see him he no longer looks like a big monster truck tire he looks like a flat tire on a moped that is out of gas. He talks a big talk and you wait for him all day with your doors wide open or sit outside. He disturbs disrupts and distracts saying things like he scared he won't come out a 3am in the morning he is scared. The next day you get up early and go outside and wait

all day even leaving the doors to your home open. After waiting all day and night time comes around 10:30 pm you go inside and lock up your doors take a shower and relax with music or a t.v show. Five minutes after you finally go inside giving up he comes outside and says look he scared he went inside.

Cody you fucking Moon Cricket he waited for you all day and you come outside after he finally goes inside and locks his door because it is late. Moon Cricket he is not scared of you he waited for you all day but you wait until its almost midnight to come outside and fight him.

by gas pedal is faster than you July 2, 2023

moon squash

Chilling at night, passing the time.

Homicidal moon tendencies

"What are you up to"

"I'm just moon squashing, you?"

by PSB2017 January 30, 2017

Getting it on moon

When the sky is clear and its time to get on the beer but your friends are trying to go do productive things

"Hey come for a beer" "Nah, gonna head to the library" "You cant be at that, Its a getting it on moon"

by Pflann February 20, 2021

Neonetical Moon

A man-made light in the dark (methaporically) in which the dark is for example depression or just a sad period of time. You could be someone's neonetical moon, like how an artist can be one for you. An object could also be someone's neonetical moon, for example a stuffed animal.

Person A: "I feel so sad today."

Person B: "Don't worry, I'll be your Neonetical Moon."

by neonetical moon March 31, 2021

blasted to the moon

The state of being cross-faded: really high and drunk at the same time. So drunk and high that you were set on a lunar trajectory...

Yo! How dem beers treatin your stoned ass?

I've been blasted to the moon, man...!

by D.J. Cotton Baugh December 27, 2011

moon hill

When you pour promethazine & codiene into a Boones Farm.

Man that boy chill just po'd up a moon hill he bout to be sauced up

by Chillminded November 16, 2016