verb. The past tense of teaching something.
See taught.
Most kids in China don't have a secure attachment to their parents because their parents have "teachered" them to be independent and not rely on them.
a somewhat teacher who gives suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression and ptsd to students
bro teacher ng was so scary
A big fat idiot who taunts kids to be stupid like it.
A person who fucks her teacher to get a better grade
Leann is such a teacher fucker
Mostly like a teacher’s pet but 1000% times worse.
A Teacher’s Ass Kisser (TSA) will act like the teacher in hope of getting good grades.
Principle: Stundents we have a new teacher.
Teacher: Hey Gu..
TSA: Hey sir I am Todd and I can’t wait to finally get to know you, you see there are some ......
Kid 1: Jesus Todd is a teacher’s ass kisser
Kid 2 I know right.
this day you will hit her as hard as possible on national hit teacher day
On April 2024 , you can hit teacher on anytime with no permission needed
Prepare some things to hit your most hated teacher for national hit teacher day!
I heard there is a day that you can hit your most hated teacher anytime and it is national hit teacher day! I can wait to hit my most hated teacher.