New-age scene girls a just like your traditional, mid 2000s scene girl, but "toned down" a little. They don't wear tutus meant for toddlers playing dress up or have hair looking like two rats had sex in, but they still like electronic rock music (not Blood On The Dance Floor though, Dahvie Vanity got his ass exposed) and emo-ish clothing.
Annalise: Who's that girl over there?
Cameron: Oh, that's August. She's a new-age scene girl
Also known as the "Pre-influencer era of youtube"
The umbrella term for the golden age (2005-2009) and silver age (2010-2013) of the platform. The peak of creativity and coolness in videos. Including, but not limited to: AVGN, RWJ, Jenna Marbles, NigaHiga , TGWTG, Game Over by Poykpac, Jacksfilms, Pewdiepie, Epic Meal time, Overly Attached Girlfriend, Boxxy, Bobby Burns, Dan and Phil.
As opposed to the (ugh) Post-artisan age/influencer era of YouTube which started at
the bronze age (2014-2016) and the iron/dark age (2017-present day; worsened by the pandemic) where creativity and close-knit dynamics with audiences were replaced by low brow videos, low effort commentary toxicity/bullying, diss tracks, scandals involving forests, boxing matches and formulaic but financially extravagant Mr. Beast videos.
David: man I miss OG YouTube.
Simon: Fr dude, it was the Artisan age of youtube, funny stuff, like corridor digital, nostalgia critic. Freddie W and RocketJump.
David: Ever notice that youtube just dropped in artistic quality when VGHS ended? YouTube red showed up straight after, then that was it. Apocalypse, The Paul brothers. Viners came out of nowhere. Now it's a wasteland of creativity.
Also known as "Hello, My Twenties!"
Best k-drama that Korea ever produced.
Synopsis: A slice-of-life story about five college students who connect over the growing pains in their youth.
Really deep, really sad, really funny, really domestic, really REAL.
X: wow, what k-drama should I watch next?
Y: try Age Of Youth! It's the best!
(one night later)
X: oh my God! I finished it already, I couldn't stop watching!
Covering yourself and your lover up with blankets that have holes in them by your genitals. Then one of you must tackle the other down the stairs or off the bed. Then you have to try to insert your penis into her hole. If you get it in before two minuets, your lover has to throat fuck you and say "what a lovely tea party".
Hey Laura do you want to try dark aging tonight?
Hi wanna bang? Sure, but are you over minimum sexual age? yes, i just turned 3.
Kyle M.
Age Traveller is defined as an unsolved mystery. Really there is no explanation on how you go from 1 age to another in 1 week and then you demote yourself to the age under again.
Unsolved Mystery.
The age where a movie and or song has a meaning before it is no longer meaningful
E.G if you haven't watched lion king before between the ages of 3-8 then it has no meaning in your life..
18 year old girl: I watched lion king for the first time..
18 year old boy: you've past the age of meaning