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Mozzarella Stick

During SeaNanners' and Sark's GTA V Lets Play's, Sark describes something he saw in a dream. He dreamt that he had eaten a bag of Cheetos and then jerked off without washing his hands before he did so. He dubbed this maneuver the Mozzarella Stick.

Man I was so lonely last night that I did a Mozzarella Stick...

by BitchTitsMcFuckatron January 27, 2015

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muddy stick

the act of having anal sex with your girlfriend and having her shit on your cock

i gave it to lynette in the ass and she gave me a muddy stick

by johny T. cuddler December 12, 2004

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Freedom Stick

A firearm used by the United States Military.

You like my nice big freedom stick, terrorist mothafucka?

by Amoux June 28, 2014

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Wack Stick

USB flash drive used to stash your porn

"My wife won't find my porn because I have it stashed on my wack stick,"

by McBastard October 28, 2007

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Flid Stick

A long poking implement usually found strapped to the head of a Spastic to assist them in pressing computer keys and panic buttons also known as Mong Prong

Little Timmy's life has got so much better since we got him that Flid Stick, he spends all day on his laptop now tapping away like a Woodpecker with Parkinsons

by Kingguff January 14, 2015

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Beanie Stick

beanie stick is a phrase used when talking about how something isn’t capable due to certain circumstances similar to the phrase can pigs fly

zak: that stick just fucked my mum
louis: it’s just a stick with a beanie on
zak: yea it’s beanie stick

by Whereismyeardum June 17, 2021

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A game using miniture hockey sticks that every canadian kid plays. Instead of a puck they use foam balls. The older kids use things like bouncy balls or raquetballs for the extra pain. The game is best played with friends using full contact and no rules. Some hardcore dangles and snipes are witness while playing.

"you guys want to play some mini-sticks?"

"Sure i'll snipe you out!"

by gMoss January 19, 2009

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