When a man or woman goes 1 month with no sex
Damn homie i haven't banged anyone in at least 3 months.
Lol, Yeah foo you have 3 vampire years.
To T-bag someone with a bloody tampon
Man Jasmine Vampire T-bagged last night it so wasn't cool man
Hair with vampire-like qualities. Such as an awesome widow's peak above the forehead.
" Hey, have you seen Eric the boy's hair? He's screechin' full throttle vampire hair. It makes me want to put a baboon onto orbit, bro!"
When a YouTuber (Like Ikemen vampire , obey me, etc) posts more then one video ( such as shit posts, actual videos and more.)
WOW more Vampire bombs by @vampiretrainer?
A girl from the city who parties all night and sleeps every day
Tom: “I met this girl last night who was so coked out she didn’t go to sleep until 8 in the morning! What an LA Vampire!”
When you eat your girl out while she’s on her period.
Chad: hey shawty, you lookin extra sexy today. Can I eat your pussy?
Girl: yea but I’m on my period.
Chad: that’s ok! I’ll give you a vampire special!
People, usually men. Who prey and desire younger people for sex or relationships to appear and or feel younger.
The bar's just filled with those Youth Vampires, just waiting to land another twink to feed on