The heavy civil, infrastructure, mining, and natural resources parts of construction. Any companies that use big heavy equipment and tend to have their own crews vs. working with subcontractors.
BuildWitt is working to make the Dirt World a better place
A place where horny virgins talk about their fantasies of getting boned by 2 or more goats at a time.
Ayo I’m getting on Goat World, Aj will definitely be on, he’s wants that goat milk
Gizmo world is a YouTube web series created by youtuber supersonicreese where he uses his plushes to tell a story in each episode
Hey a new episode of gizmo world came out go subscribe to super sonic Reese and watch it
The best fucking YouTuber to ever live. Period.
Whos your favorite YouTuber? If its not Off World you might as well shove your Dick in a Blender you fucking idiot
you are about to die and your practically in bracing it your life sucks so much you want it to end
jimmy jumped off a cliff shouting "goodbye world!"
Jakubs world is the hit series written by Jakub P Piskorz,it is a great adventure with jakub and his treacherous friends fighting evil forces and the devil.
Person 1:Hey do you read/watch Jakubs world?
Person 2:Yeah
Person 1:Ok
A young producer/label/director coming up in the Hip-Hop industry
Have you seen the new song put out on Lyrical World?