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Italian slang word for "Hi"

"Bella bro" ("Hi bro")

by Ale Sira June 7, 2021


Bella she is a very sweet and loving person. She will get irritated with you sometimes but deep down she loves everyone so much. She’s a cancer so DON’T make her mad.

“Bella is sooo sweet omggg!!”

by yourdailyswaggerr February 27, 2021


the supreme ruler.

bella: can i have some cake in a cup?
me: yes, supreme ruler

by hibellaitseowyn November 5, 2019


Bella is a very nice girl who will be there for you through anything she is weird but in a good way she has one of the best sense of humors you'll ever be around sometimes when your talking to her everybody will say your flirting but you will just connect with her cause she is so funny and she always asks whats wrong if your feeling down an depressed shes always laughing in class about the most random things you just look at her and she will laugh out of nowhere shes always getting random cold chills in the middle of class and then laughing most likely making you laugh then you get in trouble but its ok cause it was funny laugh

bella is a good friend

by brooktyn February 15, 2023


has fat crush on a dude name dawson

Bella likes every boy in seventh grade

by brooktyn February 15, 2023



Shut up Bella, you whale!

by wastedcoworgasm February 21, 2024


When you are the ultimate Goober.

You're such a Bella.

by RealDocOctopus November 16, 2022