A statement used when someone is provoking you to fight; used with someone you don’t like that is getting on your nerves.
Marley: I really don’t like you
Zakiya: Ho do you need that? (Do you want to fight?)
Marley: oh we can go right now.
Do you need that is a slang people at my school made it essentially means Do you need that attitude
"do you need that attittude?"
Asked by your 10 year old cousin because he heard it at school
Cousin: Do you like dragons
Me" yes
Him Dragon deez nuts across your face
Me dies of stage 4 lung cancer and instantly wants to commit nine elevn 2.0
An exclamation scientists from Half-life say from time to time.
Gordon: *hits scientist 1 with a crowbar*
Scientist 1: ARRGH
Used when someone is annoyed at someone
Guy: Turns off light when someone is still in the room
Other guy: What are you doing?