Made Popular By H. Devampier / Devampier.
Vampire Living or VL.
It is lifestyle renowned for not sleeping at night; instead being proactive or productive. Once the clock hits 00:00; being creative, planning or completing projects are mainly what is implemented. It encourages the quotes of “work hard, play later” even in similar relation to Jim Jones #VampireLife - when it comes to clubbing (night life). It has been an on going lifestyle definition for nearly a decade, but has publicly been exploited since early this year 2020.
Person: “Why were you up at that time?”
- “Cmon Cuz, Vampire Living.“
Person who sucks the fun out of a Smash Bros. Game by playing King K. Rool on a friendly online arena match among friends.
"Should I ask Daniel to join us tonight?"
"Nah man he'll just pick K.K.Rool and suck the fun out of Smash"
"Damn he sounds like a Fun Vampire"
"Indeed my man"
Someone who is emo, but also has bright colored hair.
“Bro I just saw this girl with bright pink hair in the hallway!”
“I but she was a Ghetto Vampire.”
When your partner is having their period
Jenny is having a vampire garage sale this week, stay clear.
A gross superhero. If you were his wife you would never see him, that's why he is single I guess! Of course he will 'save the day' but instead of taking them down, he bites them? Wouldn't that make the bad guy immortal?! So.. uh, I guess he doesn't really save everyone? The guy has a bad .. Comedy show? Every year I guess.? He does this with his son, which is somehow not a vampire..? So.. CONGRATS YOU'RE ADOPTED!! Honestly I feel kinda bad for little Timmy, he literally saw his dad suck BLOOD out of his bully's NECK. I get it, he is a bully.. BUT JEEZE. Anyways, this character is made by Danny Gonzalez and I think Vampire Dad is weird
Timmy: OMG!! IT IS!!!!
in the thirst for blood, a true vampire dives deep while the river is bloody
while she was on her period?? he’s vampire diving
The nickname you give the palest kid you know.
Random: Hey Vampire
Kid: Oh Hey: