A girl with a very gorgeous butt.
Wow that girl has a nice girly butt!
the nasty of the nasty women...steer clear..nothing to see here.
yo dude...steer clear of that one...she's a straight up poop butt dumpster.
This is when you are having intercourse in the kitchen and one of you sits on the counter during the act resulting in crumbs sticking to your butt
Me and the hubs went at it in the kitchen and I left with so much butt crack birdseed
Somebody who is always pissed off leading you to believe there is a snake up their butt.
dude, snake butt won't let us hang out with his sister
One who butts in to other peoples conversations, or tasks. Partaking in another persons task, or life goal. Stealing.
Jessica was completing the closing tasks at work when her co-worker came over and started completing the tasks for her. Jessica turned to him and said:
"Hey! Quit being an IN BUTT-ER!"
A leak at the tail end of the GI tract.
If you could hear the drip, drip, drip, you’d know immediately that he was suffering with leaky butt syndrome!