Besides its well-known meaning, "an automobile that has been rebuilt or modified to increase its speed and acceleration", "hot rod" also means a person who drives a really cool car but who is too ostentatious.
From "10 Things I Hate About You":
Walter Stratford: I know who you wanna bend the rules for. It's that hot-rod Joey.
Bianca: What's a hot rod?
When a person eats a spicy pepper and proceeds to suck another person's dick. The penis reacts with the peppers, making it red and blistered, hence the name hot rod
Dude, my girlfriend gave me a surprise Hot Rod, I forgot she ate hot wings that night.
my daddy, son, brother, boyfriend, and dog
I love Hot Rod so much he makes me feel joyus
A modified car often based on a 30s-50s Chevrolet or Ford (mostly Ford) that is modified with characteristic visual upgrades (wide tires, exhaust pipes etc)
I was riding in a hot rod with Billy last night.
The act of inserting a heated curling iron into the rectum or bodily orifice of choice
I gave my husband a hot rod last night and he said he has never felt like that in his life
the replacement for Optimus prime, and almost never dies
Hot rod, Jazz is slacking off with bumblebee
Getting your leg peed on in the shower
Teresa loves a warm hot rod in the shower. Was it accidental? Probably not.
Hot rod = peeing on someone's leg, hopefully in the shower