The best thing someone can be
Person 1: Hey there! Are you gay?
Person 2: Hi! Yes, I am gay thank you for noticing.
Person 1: I will care for you and your every need
suge pula la pedofili
cea mai gay persoana din viata ta
wow ce gay e dodo
da stiu, i-a supto lu profu ala gay
1. Happy, joyful etc.
2. A homosexual person
3. Something/someone you find annoying and/or stupid
1. "Lets go to the pub, we'll have a gay old time."
2. Guy 1: "Hey sexy, wanna go have some fun?" Guy 2: "Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not gay."
3. Guy 1: "Stop using the word gay as an insult, it is so immature." Guy 2: "Stop being so fucking gay and shut up."