To leave a movie before it's done due to boredom.
ex. 1 - I'm totally pulling a Tron; this movie sucks.
ex. 2 - They totally pulled a Tron on the original Tron, but they love the new remake!
Means to be black jesus. Be a baller at football/rugby. And fuck only 'clean hoes'. Except your girl aint one of them ;)
That guy just fought 3 guys on his own. Fr dog he can pull-a-yahsinwooten, like no joke.
To make fun of Jenni for defecating on the floor. Yes, the Jenni and Brady you're thinking of.
This morning Brady made fun of Jenni for defecating on the floor. One would say he was Pulling a Brady.
To wear a diaper while hosting a radio show.
Brady's colleagues at the radio station found it funny that he was wearing a diaper while working on the show. His only response, guys come on I'm Pulling a Brady.
When you rather spend time with your boys then spend time with your family.
Tom didn't want to spend time with his wife and kids so he decided he's pulling a Brady.
the act of completely messing up a great situation by bashing yourself and dealing with your own personal problems rather then helping out the ones who really need you
Guy1: Yo man go help out your girl! She is sitting by herself and crying and all you do is Pulling A Jay
Guy2: Nah sorry man I'm hating my self rn
Basically if you 'pull a jay' you force to make your friend's character (or oc) a top.
Dude.. are you pulling a jay right now?
Sorry man, I just can't help myself!