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Lemon Head Daiquiri

During sex one partner will urinate into the other partners oral region, the urine must be a mixture of piss and cum.

We are going to need to make some Lemon Head Daiquiri.

by Notgninneb Retsehc September 23, 2021

pan head

a guy who licks out other guys girlfriends and keeps it sly, they also have face to flange ratios of 1

He is such a pan head, Will is gonna kill him

by carepause April 27, 2011

Roller Head

The act of giving or receiving head while riding a rollercoaster

Tom: Dude did you get roller head on the Dragster?
Chris: Hell yeah I did!

Tom: Dude nice!

by alopsidedbanana July 4, 2015

eat my head

When someone annoyingly talk way too much they eat my head. Nagging or just won’t stop talking about bullshit no one cares about.

*Homie be talking all day about some random ass chick he met in Liverpool*
Me: Bro shout the hell up you’re eating my head dude.
Homie: sorry mate my bad you’re right I didn’t notice.

POV your wife is an American woman born after 1990:
You: Fuck my wife eat my head all day long bro.
Bro: What can you do bro, you married an American girl that was born after 1990, that’s how it is mate.

by H00P0E September 24, 2022

On your own head be it!


used to tell someone that they will have to take full responsibility for what they plan to do

I am telling you, don't get married to her, she is a control freak but if you do then, on your own head be it!

If you want to quit a high-paying job to chase after some fantasy of being a travel writer, then on your own head be it!

by Zami Karzai September 13, 2018

icarian head


Giving head and getting alittle too ambitious with your technique or depth perception and suffering the repercussions

“Bro, Anita gave that dude Icarian head. Like full on yacked on him.”

by endofenfagelion March 29, 2024

Spain nonce cocaine head

Santi Dmech niga

“Hey did you see that Spain Nonce Cocaine Head?!”
“Yea that’s just a Santi Dmech niga.”

by gaveen123 May 3, 2023