A skinny blonde white bitch with braces and a high squeaky voice
Look at that Janelle, she's such a puppy monkey baby.
A Man Baby is a fat little child, they mostly live with their parent's in the basement... the last letter of their name usually ends with two T's they also cry a lot.
Is that fat little man baby downstairs?
A grown ass man who still lives w his parents and sponges off them not paying any bills.
Travis is a man baby cause he's 30 and still lives with daddy..
The little balls of lint that get stuck in your vagina and turn hard, you know the ones.
My friend thought I ate a poppyseed bagel because of what was in my teeth. Told him it was just my girl’s beanie baby.
The first shit taken after eating a big bowl of Chili...
Mmmm that chili was good. I gotta go take a beanie-baby!
A baby mama that constantly uses their kids as an excuse to ask for money from the baby daddy. Even if the kids are young adults
Moocher baby mama: Can you give me $400 for our 18 year old daughter to get her hair braided
The giant baby worked at the DA's office. With her rattle in one hand and her bottle in the other hand, she would rattle the cages so that Batman wouldn't have to go it alone all the time. He was sick of doing everything.