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Street bought Valium rumored to be dog sleeping pills or horse sleeping pills

Man Im off my fucking skull, took a load of V-Bombs and can hardly stand up

Yow bra your speech is all slurred was you on the V-bombs last night...

You can hardly walk in a straight line have you been popping vbombs?

by ronmonki February 22, 2011

V Money

She is the best. A G Town super star. all hail V money. they all smoke that v money pack on the high key. they all love love that v money gal

example- v money lowkey the best

example- yo you hear v money’s new diss track

by IloveGibbstown May 10, 2021


a slang term for a womans vagina

dakotahs v-notch is a very saggy v-notch i might say. I would know this from experience with her v-notch last night

by H00PIE May 31, 2007

Thomas V

Thomas is a guy with the face and body of a greek god, a rhinopenis, baddiebagger and a milf lover.

Random: «Look at Thomas V over there.»
Birdie: «omg he is so handsome»

by Papi mayek July 14, 2021

Mister V

The funniest french youtuber who love rap and talk about his PIZZA DE LA MAMA everytime.
He created the group "Les Jones" and the music "Espana" (ft Aminematue)

Oh mais c'est Mister V , le mec qui a fait "est-ce que c'est bon pour vous"
Oh is that Mister V ? He love rap

by Taaniyu April 26, 2023


A cosmetic that stands for virgin bucks. The more you have, the bigger virgin you are. Once you have enough, you will become a virgin for life.

Boy1- I have 1,000 V-Bucks!
Boy2- I have 2,000!
Boy3- You both are big virgins.

by NotADankMemer February 15, 2020


Something that 6-year old kids buy using their mom’s credit card.

My mother thought my V-Bucks were bitcoin, so she grounded be for life, and tried to spend my V-Bucks on crack. What she didn't know is that V-Buck are from Fortnite, and when she found out she said "I cAn'T bUy CrAcK bEcAuSe Of ePiC gAmEs!11!!"

by Brickdasher1 HD January 23, 2020