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Buffalo Hummus

The absolute worst thing you can buy at a grocery store. It's COVID times, and still, the shelves are stocked with buffalo hummus. This is even after the toilet paper famine of 2020.

"Hey bro, you seen that new kid? He looks cool."
"No bro, lets go meet him."
"Hey, whatcha eatin'?"
"Buffalo Hummus."
"Yuck man, lets ditch this guy."

by uwu777 September 9, 2020

Buffalo Hunting

When a group of gay males go to a college bar in hopes of seducing a drunk, straight frat boy (the buffalo).

Me and the boys are going Buffalo Hunting if you know what I mean

by sirkiddo69 January 24, 2020

buffalo knot

A buffalo knot is the part in between your ball sack and butthole. The buffalo knot is the most majestic part of the human body.

Wow! Your buffalo knot is so nice, can I touch it?

by mastersteve101 May 17, 2022

Buffalo Scar

A scar on one's body left by the burn of a red-hot cigarette lighter - normally a Bic lighter.

Some house rules of the drinking game "Buffalo" require that you have a "Buffalo Scar" to be a true member of the "Buffalo Club".

Guy 1: "Look at that guy's arm. He has a scar that looks like he burned himself with a lighter."

Guy 2: "Yeah, it's a Buffalo Scar. He must be in the Buffalo Club."

by xUser1234x May 29, 2011

Church Street Buffalo

When after going ass to mouth then pulling out and then tastefully blowing a perfectly shaped albino Church Street Buffalo on your partner.

After raw dawning Marsha on taco Thursday, Randy gave Marsha an a Church Street Buffalo she would never be able to wash off.

by Jude Tobias May 22, 2019

Buffalo Bajak

When a man jacks another man’s cock so they both can stay warm in the cold buffalo winters.

“When the plane went down we were both gonna die so I hit my boy with the old Buffalo Bajak and here we are, alive and well.”

by swim0311 November 16, 2023

Buffalo Bajak

When a man jacks another man's cock so they both can stay warm in the cold buffalo winters.

"When the plane went down we were both gonna die so I hit my boy with the old Buffalo Bajak and here we are, alive and well."

by swim0311 November 16, 2023