Who ever is born on this day is the prettiest/ most handsome girl/ boy in the world
Girl: Today is my B-day! (30 May)
Boy: So that’s why ur so pretty
Yo bro what are we drinking tonight?
Were gonna get a few 30 bricks of miller
When someone is just on your dick heavy and you not fucking w it, just tell them to go suck 30 dicks. Basically an insult
(A) A tank. (B) Quite possibly the best band to ever grace the earth with its music. The way this band plays its music will give you happy emotions and make you feel good inside. Once you hear this band you will never feel the need to ever listen to another band again. There really are no words to describe the amazing quality of this band, but if I had to do it in one word the word would be "Boysenberry" because that is my favorite fruit.
Really cool guy: Have you heard that band, 30 Ton War Machine?
Loser: No, are they any good?
Really cool guy: The best! Also, here's that 50 bucks I owe your really hot sister...make sure she gets that, yeah?
80-20-30-16, 80-20-30-16 you get a hit, you get a hit, you get a hit, you get a hit
80-20-30-16, 80-20-30-16 you get a hit
the day where kaitlyn is born😈😈 this is a great day even though some people can easily forget it…anyway kaitlyn is just so amazing and great at everything👯 ♀️
person 1: are you born on november 30th?
person 2: yeah.?
person 1: omg you’re so cool
a day someone extremely ugly was born
Ella: damn he’s ugly,
Melissa: he must be born on November 30