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Cracker Dance

The dance you have to do at work to satisfy customers/managers and to get those fat tips.

MY manager is so demanding, i always have to do a serious cracker dance to get him of my case.

by Poppa Midnight August 4, 2010

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chair cracker

Same as couch potato or sofa spud.Someone who sits in a chair eating saltine crackers while watching TV,playing video games ,or on the computer.Usually in a roomy chair

I just sat in the chair watching Glee,on sunday so I was a chair cracker

by Mannishdude1 January 29, 2012

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Clam Cracker

An individual who fucks different women on the daily, pro status.

Bill cracked Tina's clam on Sunday, Jessica's clam on Monday, Ashley's clam on Tuesday, and Macy's clam today. What a clam cracker.

by Billiam Beezy November 7, 2010

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Cracker crumbs

Equivalent in meaning as white trash.

Also a verb when a white person acts trashy

I don't mess with those cracker crumbs.

Man, he be cracker crumbing.

by GroundLife February 5, 2017

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White cracker

A stereotypical term used for white people, as their described as being Caucasian people

Omg, look at that guy at Starbucks’s, he’s such a white cracker

by Oof man March 11, 2018

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Graham Cracker

A Mexican or Latin person with a brown complection that acts like a white person.

I have no Hispanic friends, and I don't have a Spanish accent! I'm such a Graham Cracker!

by xxLadyAmericaxx July 8, 2011

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Jesus Crackers

A saying to be used to replace "Jesus Christ!" Often used throughout gaming and when one is surprised.

Guy1: Boo!

Guy2: Jesus Crackers! you scared me!

by ElStefano August 9, 2008

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