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Rod Woddler

This is a name given to raging alcoholics who regularly go on large communication network including Xbox Live and PSN while drunk.

Joe: Wow Here Comes Rod Woddler

Matt: Whut aaaare you talshing abot? *drunk*

Bren: He must have been on that wine again, the Rod Woddler

by vBrDx June 12, 2011

rod toloui

Rod is one of the nicest people, he cares about anyone and everyone, he always puts a smile on your face. He is the first person you go to, to make you feel better. Rod is always up for a chat. Rod is handsome, funny, smart, flirty and overall the best person to be alive. You need a Rod in your life of its not complete. Everyone knows how important he is and how loved and appreciated he is. Rod is a great best friend and even boyfriend. He doesn't always believe it but he is one of the best people alive.

Rod Toloui is one of the best people alive

by cutiepie664 November 19, 2019

Avalanche Rod

A fishing rod found in the northern expedition.

I just got the Avalanche Rod!!

by Endermanxstar February 5, 2025

tennesse ram rod

The act of removing ones chewing tobacco mid coitus and inserting it into the rectum of their partner and proceeding to "ram it home"

Me and Becky was doing it doggie style last night while we watched Nascar and I decided to give her the ol' Tennesse ram rod.

by Cheesedique June 24, 2017

pennsylvania hot rod

a pennsylvania hot iron is when a man gets a rod of steel and a lighter and heats the rod until it is red hot then shoves it up a girls ass or pussy and fucks it violently. then he repeats. then he fucks the girls burnt pussy for a more rigid pleasureable feel and cums on the hot rod and makes the girl lick the cummed on hot rod.

1. Brian: hey man i just gave that girl the best pennsylvania hot rod ever!
Jim:did her ass steam shitty steam?
brian: indeed.

pennylania hot rod

by nuttermcbuttfucker April 25, 2011

beef rod

a penis

I want to suck your beef rod

by yuhij December 7, 2021

rod magnet

someone so hot, they uncontrollably attract a man's rods.

That chick was a total rod magnet.

by jhanley86 February 8, 2019