an·gel·ic en·er·gy
/anˈjelik ˈenərjē/
The energy derived from qualities pertaining to an Angel.
Angels are divine heavenly, spiritual beings who are exceptionally beautiful, innocent, and kind. They serve as messengers and intermediary from God and often as a guardian, and protector of an individual.
Daniela is on a mission to help radiate Angelic Energy in this lifetime, on Earth.
like: Guardian Angel. Is the car driving infront of you in bad weather that helps you stay on the road and find your way safely.
It was snowing so hard, I could not see the road, but I followed my Cardian Angel safely to a truck stop.
(aka. angelkin)
1. An incarnated angel, on Earth.
2. A metaphor for a mortal who dedicates their life to working for God and helping humanity.
'The earth angel incarnated as a human, on Earth, in order to pass God's will onto humanity.'
A “Chris Angel” (Crys Angel) magical line of Meth (‘Chris’tal) and Coke (‘Angel’ Dust), that is mixed together before being snorted/hot railed.
Foo 1: My boy, you ever hit a Chris Angel?
Foo 2: Fuuuuck foo, that shit was a real mind freak my boy... had me on Fuckin SICK ONE!!
Sweat of angel warrior used like eye droplets and deliver a psycodillic effect. 1 pint is worth 1/2 a gram of unicorn dust, but must be properly mixed with platypus blood or else it is lethal.
Mix: 2 Tbs sweat
12 ml platypus blood
Stir well
Steve was trippin on angel's sweat
When the meat is so sweet it's as if it is from the loin of Angels. Aka Brandi
There goes Angel Meat aka Brandi
A motor cycle club that is also a motor cycle gang. Got into the drug biz and assasinating biz even. They even used terror based tactics sometimes even.
The hellsangels blew up soem guys car for not paying the drug money.
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