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Indiana jones

to be jonesing for or have a strong need to go to the state of Indiana.

Playa I'm tired of pimpin' it here in Ohio...I got big time Indiana jones!

by Nick D March 19, 2003

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Tomos Jones

derogative term for a welsh man

He's so tomos jones he shags sheep.

by Nik philips June 15, 2009

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teagan jones

Bad at among us

Teagan jones is bad at among us

by Assured391 October 23, 2020

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groiner jones

the most awful name in the history of the universe

Hi, my name is mr. Jones

ok, whats your full name?

umm, well its ummm GROINER JONES

get off my property, loser

by Groiner jo--- i mean john smith August 13, 2004

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conner jones

A sexy ass mother fucker who has a big dick and is a gangsta

That guy is a Conner Jones

by AndHisNameIsJohNCeNA12346789 March 18, 2017

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nic jones

English translation for Cuban phrase, "ni cojones." Literally, not even the pubes. For use when talking about looking for something in particular and finding nothing.

Carlos: Oye, did you find that shit you were looking for?

Eddie: Nic jones, man.

by OmaCam November 5, 2007

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Jones Face

What you turn on when you get bitties.

He gets so many chicks with his Jones Face on.

by Jones_Face August 3, 2011

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