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soft bang

The act of hanging up a phone very softly so that it creates minimal noise; opposite of hard bang.

"I know James has a headache so I will soft bang when our phone conversation is over."

by itsthatguythatyouknow April 11, 2016

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soft pop

When you're trying to squeeze a pimple and all the gunk in it pops out without difficulty.

Man: "Holy fuck I had the best soft pop yesterday."

by girlbye8 August 17, 2017

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Soft Pencil

When once is rolling with a soft pencil, they have a limp penis in a clutch situation and often suffer from erectile dysfunction or an orgasm that lasts a maximum of three seconds.

Did you hear what Jane said? She told me Jimmy's rolling with a soft pencil.

by Klamer October 19, 2006

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kind of mental disorder which causes a boy prefer girls over boys.
it mostly describes boys that are single and want to flirt or take advantage of being with the girl so in anyway that pleases him.
if a girl slaps u and u don't slap back... you are soft-haired

maza don't be so soft-haired and don't fuck around girls

by h0ny4R December 16, 2018

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soft bread

"A nice butt and or boobs"

"Dang she had soft bread"
"Excuse me ma'am do you have soft bread"

by I <3 soft bread November 19, 2015

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Soft White Underbelly

The bus terminal at Union Station in Denver, Colorado.

He took the 15 to Soft White Underbelly to pick up some clr and blues.

by spigotthebear February 17, 2023

Soft girl

girls that like tagging themselves to other niggas.Soft girls are also unnecessary in society because they don’t exist and also because they can be called β€œMa Hungry β€œ

That soft girl is hungry

by spekulation December 29, 2018

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