A guy you hangout with on the side that likes to go out and party. Hopes to get lucky with you after you’re drunk. Doesn’t care that you have a boyfriend. Like really shitty music.
Sorry I have to go out with a college friend tonight. I had such a good time at the nickel back show with my “college friend”.
meaning have a good time and fuck school, something you might say after making a mistake. live, love, laugh.
oops, oh well...lolage not college
A college poopie is when ones brain gets so full from college stuff that they just shit it all back out.
Person 1: Dude, I've taken in so much college info it just all came back out my ass.
Person 2: You just made college poopie!
poop college
Absolute shit pit in East Sussex, everyone who goes here wants to die and the teachers care more about uniform and jewelry than they do about doing their job. It's in a decent enough area tbh just a very dull school
Person 1:where do you go to school?
Person 2: Uckfield College
Person 1: and you haven't died of boredum yet?!
this is full of wanna be road men who walk around with their puma or other 'roadman' brand tracksuit bottoms down to their ass and it is riddled with smokers.
god stamford college is absolutely grim i would rather go PRC
School full of wanna be hooligans and set of pussys, school is a bag of wank and care more about the dress code than education. Do not do anything other than claim to be best.School has probably cos the shittest attendance cos no fucker ever goes.should get knocked down with all chavs in it
Do not go to Immanuel college unless u want wannabe road men bully you😂
This school is doesn’t smell nice
I went to Belvedere college and this school doesn’t smell nice