crappy ass couch for an elderly couple
my grandma and pappy got a sectional couch
a media group which is involved in game development and video entertainment
Guy 1: " hey have you heard of this group called space couch productions? I subscribed to them and my cock doubled in size!"
Johnathon sins: "yes, I am a fan of them
A crude caveman like individual that sleeps on parent's couch. A general laziness and indifference to reality. Incompetence of even the simplest ideas
Couch boy was caught again piddling by his parents while searching for memes
One who sits on their couch (or any couch), and scopes for attractive people or celebrities on TV or in movies.
"The only reason she watches House is because she thinks Hugh Laurie is attractive."
"What a couch whore."
A voluntarily kept woman who has no shame in not contributing anything to a relationship outside of the bedroom. Unwilling to go as far as to maintain the home or cook while her husband makes all the money. Assumes the role of resident couch potato and entitled brat.
"My wife is a couch queen. She's convinced her performance between the sheets is enough to earn her a free pass on contributing anything further to our relationship. She's reduced her days to sipping White Claws while watching F-boy Island while I'm slaving away at work 11 hours a day."
A veteran that never achieved much outside of the military and constantly lives in a daze of thoughts in their uniform.
I know this couch sergeant that has been out of the military for 14 yrs and round steps in his mind requesting orders.
The act of entertaing people on a couch. Indefinate amounts of awessomness that occurs on the couch.
This couch has features of entertainment that involve;mouth fucking, chalking, powerfulbass drops, smoking smokes, beer drinking, waterpic (modified for vodka) squirting, breast exposures, entertaing the required minimum attire of undies only.
This couch has a job and its not just for supporting your sassy ass.
The primary basis is that this is a power knowledge center with rapid response.
You have a question.
Sass' professors have the prognosis, cure and honest answer.
Couch Sassing
This Friday we are sassi n'.
Oh you want something? Take ur tits out So we can ensue the sassin' off your chest in three step.
1. Consume.
2. Clean up lick
3. Kiss the plate. W/ tounge.
Sorry about your face.
also all out of towels. Not sorry for that.
AAAAAANd your cabs here!
Bing bang boom!!!!!!
Problem solved.