The Bahrain Cultural Trip (BCT) - an annual pilgrimage to Juffair in Bahrain where participants carry out ridiculous and futile activities such as taking a selfie with the topiary horse, drinking a pint in the World’s Shittest Bar and reciting their infamous poem, “T’was The Night Before Bahrain”.
Attendees are encouraged to get a red dot tattoo – known as the “mark of Juffair” - to mark each completed tour. The front runners currently have 8 tattoos (as of September 2023).
Belinda - "Darling, have you booked our honeymoon for August yet?"
Royston - "Yeah - about that...I'm going to have to duck out. Got the Bahrain Cultural Trip on that weekend. BOOM!!"
A college educated person, who is cultured in arts, music, and modern societal pleasures.
A well educated decedent of the hipster. See Hipster
- "After class on Friday, Jessica and I are going to the downtown Jazz festival, are you going too?"
- "No, you're just too edu-cultured for me, I'm going squirrel hunting with my dad-cousin"
A culture to enjoy “the love of coffee” with vibes, adding touches of mixology to them making them worth trying! It’s the way to keep drinking your favorite morning beverage all day, too: COFFTAILS.
Vibing with a glass of coffee with friends is just a clink away, enjoy as an afternoon pick-me-up or even as dessert…as long as you can handle the caffeine!
Cofftail Culture is the way you drink, vibe, and interact with your coffee alternatives.
Japanese Cultural Obsession Disorder (JCOD) is a disorder in people (usually white men. white women can be too) where they are obsessed with Japanese Culture. It can be a phase or chronic. Cases include:
Mild: Likes japanese culture. Watches anime but other shows too. Talks about it rarely so it’s not annoying. Eats japanese food a good bit. When someone doesn’t like the culture, they respect their opinion. This is Usually Chronic.
Mid: Loves japanese culture. They watch anime a lot and rarely watch other shows. They talk about the culture a lot, and they eat japanese food a lot. When someone doesn’t like the culture, they say “ok” but are mad about it. This can be Chronic or a Phase.
Severe: Extremely Obsessed with the culture. All they watch is anime. All they talk about is japanese culture. They eat japanese food for most of their meals. When someone doesn’t like the culture, they get super defensive about it and if it’s their friend, they unfriend them. In rare cases, they may even be part of the buddhist religion. This is usually a phase.
Please keep in mind that JCOD doesn’t affect Japanese People because this is their culture that they are part of.
Hobo 1: I don’t like sushi
Hobo 2: That’s fine. I like it.
Hobo 1: I don’t like anime
Hobo 2: Ok
(later in the day hobo 2 acts like a dick)
Hobo 1: I don’t like sushi
Hobo 2: F**k you. We’re not friends anymore
Hobo 1: Bro u got japanese cultural obsession disorder
People who parasitize a culture other than their own.
A culture parasite sucks the life out of a culture while giving nothing back.
Mold Culture, The : Noun.
Describes a horde of People which are close to each other.
They are all totally awesome and amazing people, precious cinnamon rolls, to pure for this world. They all deserve a big hug for being great human (??!) beings.
Crazy, loving nerds with so many talents.
Seriously, they are all to talented.
"Meeting the mold culture was a really great experince and they were all so friendly!"
Other memebers of the mold culture include: A kitten, a wolf, a goatmom, a bun, a red panda, a sparrow, an elephant, a griffon, a gecko, a sheep and a manumanu.
Synomyms: Clique, Band, Gang , Avengers
"The mold culture really is amazing!"
when you hate on other artists.
Culture vultures are also known to be jealous of the artists’ talent.
You are such a culture vulture!