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Diego is mexican

by Hamburgerlover888888 February 26, 2022



Diego es gei

by Elfernan November 23, 2021

diego marquez

The sexiest man ever. May not seem like it but his personality is sexy as fuck. Easy to talk to but hard to get with.

You see that guy over there, do you think he’s a ‘Diego Marquez’ ?

by Jaime F. November 29, 2017

San Diego thank you

When you kiss someone while on the toilet

“She was literally in the middle of shitting when she asked me to kiss her, first time I’ve ever pulled a San Diego thank you

by Crazylittlefucker April 26, 2023

3👍 3👎

Diego <3

The hottest guy I know. I love him so much he is the nicest person ever. I hope I never ever ever have to stop talking to him. He means so much to me it’s not even funny. I love you cutie 😘

Girl 1 “I wish I had someone like Diego <3in my life.”
Me “but ya don’t bitch fuck off.”

by DiegoLover69 November 4, 2020

Dirty Diego

When a boy has a boner in class

This dumbest in my class had a dirty Diego

by To.be_honest.i_dont.care October 11, 2021

San Diego bus stop

A san Diego bus stop is a magical place where you will either get asked for money from a homeless person or you will lose your virginity to a transgender man who will give you aids.

Genie Flenie: Hey man why are you walking with a limp? George Lloyd: I was just at a San diego bus stop you can probably guess what happend.

by dildofarts July 31, 2023