Saying something’s ok when its not
Ella: will you go to the art museum with me
Millie: no I hate the art museum
Ella: please I’ll pay you $50
Millie: fine I’ll go
A person who claims to be ok but is really not ok so they are actually “fine”
Stephany said she was fine but she was really sad
A four letter word that doesn’t mean anything when used by people who are depressed.
It is typically used to get people to not worry about them even though it normally fails.
Person 1: hey are you ok, you don’t seem too good
Person 2: yea, I’m fine
Person 1: oh, ok
F ucked up
I nsicure
N eedy
E motional
This word is used to describe most peoples life. This word is defined as emotionally unstable.
(as of a woman speaking) (adj.) not fine; dying inside; need help
"The woman told her husband she was fine, but he knew otherwise."
Girls will say they're fine but they're really not. They're pissed off or upset.
Boy: Are you okay?
Girl: I'm fine.