SAITM FLASH is a popular Superhero in Sri Lanka these days. He's the fastest man in Sri Lanka (not for runnung). He is a member of great superhero team 'WhatsApp Audio' . Pool eke brother, Aasha, Jester, kale, Alan are some superheroes in 'WhatsApp Audio'.
he is a jerk like SAITM FLASH
A man, usually beyond his years, acting youthfully, usually found on a dance floor dancing out of rhythm, with an open shirt showing gold necklaces, bell bottom trouser or other ugly or unfashionable clothing, who entices young woman to dance with him, and who fails to do so repetitively but continues dancing night after night as if he was attractive, powerful and rich - which he is none of by appearance, reputation, and fact.
Look at Morris, that old flash cunt, dancing by himself at closing time, alone again in the corner.
When a league of legends player (possibly pro) from the North American region uses the in-game flash summoner spell in a terrible and possibly game losing way, we define it as a NA flash. The term is often used by people from the Europe West region to make fun of the NA region and players, but unfortunately they are equally as bad and have not won Worlds in millennia.
Twitch Chatter 1: NA FLASH HAHA
Twitch Chatter 2: Nah but EUW
Flash._1 is a tiktok editor. He's known for his obssesion with ship wonderbat (Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne from DC universe)
He created the Gal Gadot cult - the most iconic tiktok cult.
Flash._1 loves wonderbat so much
Flash._1 is a tiktok editor. He's known for his obssesion with ship wonderbat (Diana Prince and Bruce Wayne from DC universe)
He created the Gal Gadot cult - the most iconic tiktok cult.
Flash._1 loves wonderbat so much
To do something thunderously loud; Noisy
"We gon' do this shit Flash On." -Zodacxx
"Flash on, no hostages." -Skota