A strange uncle who goes by the name of Callum and has a fetis for knocking on the lights
Heard about that new, he likes lights. He's a knock head
Someone in prison who waits until their cell mate falls asleep. Once asleep, the Artist knocks them unconscious and proceeds to rape them violently.
“They call me The Original Knock-Out Artist. Pass out in my cell and I’ll turn that ass into a Penitentiary Picasso!”
A fake or a copy of someone or something. Chinatown has some of the best knock-off bags, shades, etc. Chinatown is considered Lil China located in Manhattan. The word knock-off basically means fake. So put two and two together. A Chinatown Knock-off is something or someone who's fake.
Bob: Im at the top at the spectrum and you're at the bottom.
Tom: Yea ok....
Bob: You try your hardest to be like me. You're nothing but a Chinatown Knock-off compared to me.
Tom: Look man, you can call me whatever you want to but remember, everything legit that I get you always happen to get the non authentic version and try to be upscale.
Bob: o_0
Tom: Yea oooooh is right.
The term used when 2 men are having vaginal sexual intercourse at the same time, and their members bump into each other intervaginally.
Employee #1 getting a cup of coffee: Hey, what did you do over the weekend?
Employess #2 getting a cup of coffee: Went to a movie and did laundry, you know, the usual... You?
Employee #1 getting a cup of coffee: Frank and Bob came over last night and they did some rod knocking in my wallered out cooch, you know the usual (then points and waves at Frank and Bob)
1. A team in any sport, that comes into the playoffs as an underdog, and sweeps a contending team. Upset underdog
2. A team in nba2k who destroys your team after you've been on a huge win streak.
Example: "See fam, it's all fun and games until you run into the knock-off boyz"
Example: "Bruh, don't sleep on these dudes, they probably the knock-off boyz"
Example: "those 2011 Dallas mavericks were the knock-off boys.
Last bowl of za for the night. Helps you sleep at night (if your an addict), therefore knocks you out.
Person 1: Aight bro, time to hit the sack.
Person 2: Alight man, imma just have a Knock em Outter, puts me to sleep like a baby.
Person 1: Pfft whatever floats your boat dude.
If you spit in my mouth intentionally I will give you a knock sha.