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Knock sha

Punched in the face.

If you spit in my mouth intentionally I will give you a knock sha.

by 🔺Tristain🔺 November 9, 2020

Critical Knock-Out

When you get KO'd by an attack that you should've survived, had it not landed a critical hit.
CKO for short.

Game: Enemy attacks!
Player: No worries, I can survive this.
Game: Critical hit!
You've been defeated...
Player: Ugh! I hate Critical Knock-Outs!

by ChameleonDragon February 4, 2018


a forbidden action on anime, to which only the brave and the fool may allow use

A: Is knocking not a thing on anime?
B: yeah, it's basically non-existent

by Yourboiallen June 4, 2019

knock-off boyz

1. A team in any sport, that comes into the playoffs as an underdog, and sweeps a contending team. Upset underdog

2. A team in nba2k who destroys your team after you've been on a huge win streak.

Example: "See fam, it's all fun and games until you run into the knock-off boyz"

Example: "Bruh, don't sleep on these dudes, they probably the knock-off boyz"
Example: "those 2011 Dallas mavericks were the knock-off boys.

by Jay XLA Black December 21, 2016

Knock em Outter

Last bowl of za for the night. Helps you sleep at night (if your an addict), therefore knocks you out.

Person 1: Aight bro, time to hit the sack.
Person 2: Alight man, imma just have a Knock em Outter, puts me to sleep like a baby.
Person 1: Pfft whatever floats your boat dude.

by Swaggiest100 March 25, 2023

Knocking At The Cow's Door

A phrase originated from 19th century Thailand, which is often used today to describe something being weird or abnormal.

John - "Did you see that weird guy at the store?"

Mary - "Yeah, he was Knocking At The Cow's Door."

by CrushedIce785 September 26, 2020

ghost knocking

When solicitors don’t knock on doors, but instead pin houses from the speedway parking lot in the car, giving the impression that they are actually knocking doors

Bro Josh Josh and Pablo were clearly just ghost knocking. No wonder they bageled.

by solicitor123 July 27, 2024