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"Live-Laugh-love" is a phrase which could be used as a singular word to describe love, fortune, and happiness in ones living.

Hey Debrah Mcaddams how has your morning been?
Ohh, its been great Suzanne. I took a stroll in the park with William and Bethanne.
That sounds nice. I have to run to pick Jimmy up from church. Live-Laugh-Love.
You too Suzanne Leigh!!!

by nicoleiller84lovey January 10, 2023

*Tyranically laughs*

Often used to describe a villain like evil laughter in a text format. Basically an upgraded version of an *Laughs in Evil*.

See also (*Laughs in Evil*) or (*Evil Laughter*)

Hero: What's wrong with you! You just killed an entire planet full of innocent people.

Villian: Welcome to the cold hard truth of reality. *Tyranically laughs*

by Tyrant: May 3, 2021