The reaction that famous people have when meeting Justin Trudeau
Ivanka Trump was caught mid-swoon while meeting oh-so-hot Justin Trudeau
A Mid Stink Munch Box (MSMB) is when the woman is defecating on the toilet and the man is going down on the woman and performing cunnilingus. It is important to note that the cunnilingus must be taking place while the woman is defecating (fecal matter must be in the toilet while the act). This practice is often confused with the Cunnilumpkin, where the woman can be faking the defecation during the sex act. The MSMB is very rare because of the specifics of what it qualifies for.
Last night Kailen gave me a Mid Stink Munch Box (MSMB) after the bar. It felt so good. He now has pink eye. I had to make sure she actually had to shit before I went down on her.
A Mid Stink Munch Box (MSMB) is when the woman is defecating on the toilet and the man is going down on the woman and performing cunnilingus. It is important to note that the cunnilingus must be taking place while the woman is defecating (fecal matter must be in the toilet while the act). This practice is often confused with the Cunnilumpkin, where the woman can be faking the defecation during the sex act. The MSMB is very rare because of the specifics of what it qualifies for.
Last night Kailen gave me a Mid Stink Munch Box (MSMB) after the bar. It felt so good. He now has pink eye. I had to make sure she actually had to shit before I went down on her.
Era that lasted from about late 2013, up to around mid to late 2017.
The Mid 2010s, was the prime of the 2010s.
A tall white man that usually has curly or frizzy hair, wears baggy t-shirts or hoodies and cargo pants, they will usually have a basic personality and some kind of mental issue