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A male that eats wild coochie

That nigga a munch , Nigga a eater he ate it for lunch!”

by 123lool September 5, 2022


Ice spice lookin ass you a male drag queen with a 2 millimeter defeater. Why you eating her pussy without gettin that top.

Man 1: you a munch
Man 2: no I’m not
Man 1: you alr know you gave me that sloppy you homiesexual stop playin no way I’m touchin you

by sexy man boy sex May 8, 2023


1. A man who performs oral sex on women for his own enjoyment.
2. A man who is tricked into performing oral sex on a woman with nothing in return.

-Popularized by Ice Spice with her hit 2022 single, “Munch (Feelin’ U)”

Nigga ima munch bruh eating pussy my favorite hobby dawg.

by ElitePussyEata24/7/365 April 27, 2024


As Ice Spice has clarified, a munch is an obsessed hater or someone being "on your dick"

She a munch hating on everybody!

by wistfulina February 8, 2023


A munch is a nigga who eats coochie and gets nothing in return.

"He ate my coochie and I sent him home, that nigga a munch"

by sheila codrignton September 24, 2022


a nigga who eat the pussy and don’t get nothing in return

oh yea my ex is a munch

by brook 075242 September 5, 2022


somethin to call someone that you really like, but you jokingly tease sometimes because they’re so cool and you actually worship them like a greek god. but you’re secretly obsessed w/ them and stalk them.

hey do you know noah? he’s such a munch heheh hahahah hohoho merry christmas!!

by secretlyswifty69 February 4, 2023