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Ewok Hole

A nickname for the vagina or anus that is hairy

Excuse me?But is your Ewok hole in a perfect circle?

by JuliosBYUhaul August 6, 2009

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pus hole

I'd say a pushole is a young crazy bastard who is still pretty young but trying to look older does like a mature person! (just hatched from pussy (been born). It fits with Russian word- pizdyuk

Hey dude, look up at this pus hole-he's trying to pick up the girl, who is two times older

by pash000 March 29, 2016

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Breather Hole

The drain plug at the bottom of cooler designed to allow hookers fresh oxygen.

Darren popped the breather hole, so both hookers could make it the whole weekend.

by Cosmorob February 6, 2018

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thrust hole

Descriptive slang for vagina or slut.

1.) By the time I took off her pants her thrust hole was so wet that her panties were soaked through.

2.) That thrust hole has been with so many dudes, she's bound to have at least one VD.

by Ben Verbeck May 4, 2010

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When talking to a person, all you hear is whining comming out of his/her mouth.

Damn sam wouldn't stop whining while talking to me friday night. hes such a whine-hole

by RandumbCutie123 March 27, 2009

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Honky Hole

A term used to refer to your mouth, usually used in a friendly way to communicate to someone that they're being loud and obnoxious.

Guy 1: So, anyway I was talkin to steve the other day and......
Guy 2(interjecting): Hey joe!Joe!Joe! Hey joe,dude check this out....
Guy 1: Dude, shut your Honky Hole!

by Bob Baslinger May 15, 2009

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An a-hole's overuse of the word 'like' while trying to express a thought.

A-hole: OMG like I was just at fashion week, it was like amazing. I tried to like tweet a pic of JayZ but my iphone zoom was like out of range or something.

Me: You're such a like-hole.

by Tedro357 February 17, 2009

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