A Desperate way to ask if someone knows something.
Tell me you know how to tie your shoes
A colloquial phrase predominantly used by the millennial and hipster crowd, referring to an underlying, shared, or assumed understanding between the speaker and the listener. It's used to announce that the speaker had a realization on a previous subject.
Tristan: "oh you know what"
Tristan: "I think I know why"
Tristan: "yup we're good"
A way to close a sentence assuring that the other party (is actually listening), and has an understanding, or better yet, a true Comprehension of the information conveyed. When this phrase is inserted into the conversation multiple times, it is often a nervous space filler the without intent of validating a persons comprehension level.
If I was you, I wouldn't, ya know, go down to Hunts Point At night , like...strange things go on there, "know what I meam"?
A guy with a country accent who is missing a chunk of hair in one spot. You Know Who also always wears black or white.
Look! It's You Know Who! His hear looks really nice today! How does my hair look?
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A turn of phrase originating in Rochester, NY.
1. owned
2. damn
3. what are you doing?
1. I just chrismerfee'd you for the third time this game What you gotta know!
2. ::Sees a hot chica walk by:: "What you gotta know!"
3. Its friday night, what you gotta know?!
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understand what i'm saying?
Danny(A prisoner currently serving a life sentence at barwon maximum security prison):
"i had a bad attitude, i wouldn'a listened to no one, nah i mean? Yanah i mean?"
Kids:"Wtf does he mean?"
Narrator: So the gripping story ends, with Danny being raped from behind in the butt hole for cigarettes by Butch Casidy. So the lesson hear is kids, don't say you know what i mean, especially to Butch Casidy, AKA The Backdoor Banger from Box Hill. Stay tuned for another gripping story by the back door banger"
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kevinescent's infamous catch phrase. often used before performing a kevin eleven.
Kevinescent: *random incomprehinsible mumbles* know what im saying?
Guy: No, not really dude.
Kevinescent gives Guy the kevin eleven
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