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Wildlife Conservation Officer Cadet

Wildlife Conservation Officer Cadet Is a Game Warden

Game Warden Wildlife Conservation Officer Cadet is a from the Department of the Natural Resources from the Blue Heron Learning Center A.K.A Blue Heron Nature Center/Keep Jasper County Beautiful B.K.A Jasper Conservation District

by Kion Shariff Fulton Wilson, February 4, 2024

Sole Speaking Officer Rule

Sole Speaking Officer Rules are common sense policing reforms that require that only one police officer present at an encounter with a suspect be allowed to give orders to that suspect. This is particularly important to limit the escalation of tense police encounters where a suspect struggles with trying to comply with contradictory commands shouted at him by multiple officers. If you watch recorded encounters between debilitated and scared suspects and law enforcement, a trend you will often see is one where several officers respond, each shouting orders at the suspect, (often when pointing firearms at them) that conflict with each other. Sole Speaking Officer Rules seek to reduce injury and death by requiring that law enforcement conduct themselves in a more professional manner that does not frustrate and confuse suspects that are willing to comply.

We need Sole Speaking Officer Rules adopted by more police departments.

by Sole Speaking Officer October 31, 2023

River Office

Corporate department with little to no regard for the well-being of their employees, who come and go quickly because of this. It stops being considered a River Office as soon as an employee lasts for longer than 1 month working there.

Tyrone: Damn, every time i go to Gamestop©️ they have an entirely new roster of employees

Jaquanda: Well I heard the boss beats them up on a daily basis and never actually pays salaries. No wonder it is a River Office

by Cajerardo April 7, 2021

Drop a load off at the post office

Take a dump

I’ll be right back. I gotta drop a load off at the post office.

by Dcstrutter April 20, 2018

Works at the post office

A term used to describe somebody who is clearly on drugs and/or schizophrenic

Person 1: Do you see that crazy old geezer on the street
Person 2: He definitely works at the post office

by Wadda 147 July 7, 2023

Office Viral

Def'n #1: When an email gets passed around the office very quickly - usually when it wasn't supposed to.

Def'n #2: The speed with which the fun office rumours or gossip get passed around.

Jay: Our whole department has seen that wicked email you sent to Steve - that's NSFW!
May: Whoa, that was just meant for him. Dangit, it's gone Office Viral...

Sal: Hey, did you hear who Stupid Sexy Flanders is hooking up with?
Hal: Totally, but where have you been - that went Office Viral last week.

by Leafsblowgoats September 30, 2013

Delusional Office

Used to describe an area with known hazardous materials causing hallucinations of imaginary entities, often a large building of sorts. Can also be used as a casual descriptor of a liminal space.

"Damn, all these yellow walls and fluorescent lights sure make this look like a Delusional Office."

by CHASER-015 December 24, 2024