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Billie Eilish

The bitch who let’s spiders come out of her fucking mouth!

Billie Eilish’s song Idontwannabeyouanymore is a bop

by I.DEAD.LIFT.FUPASπŸ¦‘ April 20, 2019

34πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Billie Eilish

An amazing and sweet person who lowkey acts like your friend not your idol. Shes beautiful and caring to her fans. Shes not the type to flex on others. Shes legit amazing and shes only overrated cuz she 100% deserves the hype.

Billie Eilish was born on 18 December. She is a sagittarius.

by Sara_gave_up December 21, 2019

29πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Billy Shollenberger

A person who speaks in a made up language of his/her own. Known for constantly making indiscriminate death threats and beating up his friends out of pure rage, a billy shollenberger studies hard and runs like a madman. A Billy Shollenberger can often be found following various Detroit sports teams or flying an invisible flying red Ferrari.

"You are such a Billy Shollenberger!"

by kit42 March 23, 2009

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

billie job

Sex move-a woman puts a bowl of jello on her chest and a man has sex with just the jello. Then, the woman eats the remains.

Betty gave me a billie job last night.

by Skatch May 5, 2005

13πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

billy green

Term for marijuanna (green) and bong (billy) together.

We're off to see billy green.
Do you want to visit billy green.

by Grant A McDonald January 14, 2005

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Billy Anderson

Complete asshole, who only thinks of himself. He likes to hurt his girlfriend by cheating with other women. Billy should have his penis removed.

He was such a Billy Anderson

by Tic Tac Patty Whack November 15, 2009

26πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Billy Ocean

Canadian rapper Maestro can be credited with coining the term although now popular amongst various rappers such as the Ying Yang twins.

After pulling a prank in a public washroom which involved leaving an unsightly item in a urnial, Maestro passed a local patron, patted him on the back and said "Its all yours, Billy Ocean"

-Billy Ocean is the Canadian equivilant of Nah Mean or Nam Sayin

-Can also be used to sum up a situation, moment, mood or feeling

-In place of nah mean:"Yo, the washroom is all you, Billy Ocean."

-As a description: "That cat had me straight vexed like Billy Ocean"

-As A Question: "How was the party? Billy Ocean?"

-As An Answer: "It was so Billy Ocean"

by Concerned Citizen June 23, 2004

52πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž