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P Monkey

P Monkey.

Anything and everything irritating you, leading to prolonged ranting when drunk.

The act of drunkenly becoming increasingly irritated until one starts issuing fatwahs.

"After a few bottles Dave becomes a real P Monkey, laying into everything that is wrong with the world"

by Charles Chap February 26, 2010

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individually pull out someones gooch hairs with a tweezers

dude shut the hell up before you get p-clipped

by nick lasalle September 29, 2006

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This is when an individual, typically male, thinks they have a chance with another individual, typically female, so he follows her around like a lost puppy dog thinking that he will get some, when in fact he is merely cock blocking another individual from getting any.

Man, I've been trying to get some from ol girl but that dude has been p-dogging her all damn day.

by andrew972 February 11, 2008

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big p

a great leader of a bad boy crew such as the bad boi food crew! demands maximum respect all the tym and attitude is thier speciality-the ultimate bad boy!

Yeeeesssss! Bad boy pearson! maximum respect to bad boy big P!!!

by the bad boy food crew May 6, 2005

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master p

ugly lil niglet man who thinks hes something great. Hes a good businessman but has no rapping skills whatsoever. Hes a one hit motha fuckin wonder who couldnt rap to save his life. When hes rappin he sounds retarded. Not only that but hes a terrible actor. He was voted as 'worst performance by a rapper in a movie.'

Master P is a one hit wonder.

by Master P's sc September 20, 2007

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Generation P

A group of people that is still, presently developing, born between 1990 and 1995. These people have been usurped by the actions, wants, desires, and general lifestyle of Paris Hilton.

Check out that belligerantly drunk generation P chick with the Coach hand bag and the desire to fellate!

by Benjamin Bode November 26, 2005

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P Squared

A creepy guy who likes small children. Often is large, appears to be 40-years-old, balding, and pretends that he's in college.

College student #1: "That dude is making the moves on that girl who appears to be 13."
College student #2: "Talk about a total P Squared. What a creeper."

by GMU Girly Girl March 6, 2008

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