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pap tap

The act of anal, oral or any sexual act too another peers papaw.

Keep talking shit, and I'm going to give your papaw a pap tap.

by Werdhall April 27, 2016

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Pap tap

An alternate way of saying, having sex

When I don't want people to know that I'm talking about sex, I just say , pap tap.

by Jahri January 29, 2017

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rapid tap-it

having sexual relations with many different partners, each on separate occasions, without an extended amount of time in-between.

Drew: Wow can you believe Eric boned 8 different girls this weekend?

Mike: He sure did a rapid tap-it.

by hsbones November 3, 2011

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Hustle Tap

When a man gets a friendly tap to his junk to let him know he's doing a good job.

Yo, Billy was walking down the hall by my locker, and I gave him a nice hustle tap.

Nice, dude!

by hustl3r November 29, 2010

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tapped out

raped, as in it has happened before

Kalena, I don't care if your dad tapped you out

by Hector Rico August 14, 2005

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Game played between friends,which consists of whacking eachother in the genital region with hand held items when un-awares.
ie. watch,fizzy drink bottle,

Upon hitting someone in the testicles with an object:

"Scrotum Tap!! Hahahahaha"

by Jack Beverage March 17, 2005

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Word Tap

when using a word to express affection to someone like a 'love tap'

Boyfriend: That is not cool.
Girlfriend: Well stop being a poopy head!

*Boyfriend is appalled*

Girlfriend: What? you know i love you, its just a word tap!

by TacticalAnarchy September 1, 2011

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