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The worst seat in a car besides bitch (back middle). Whoever sits in it must get out or slide over to the middle if a 5th person gets in the car.

Dammit, i have to sit not-bitch.

by Boyofthenight January 2, 2010

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Someone gets bitched when you shake their hand and say, "Bitch."

Person 1 and Person 2: *shakes hands*
Person 1: Bitch.
Person 2: Huh? Oh damn. I got bitched.

by technicoloursunshine June 7, 2007

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someone who plays or owns an Xbox360

Look at that bitch playing Queers of War

by rawr17 January 8, 2010

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Someone who has been ditched by a bitch.

Guy1: Dude what's wrong with you? you look terrible. What happened last night?

Guy2: I've been Bitched. <:|

by manilaman July 31, 2011

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When Laura nags at Thomas all day 'err day.

Thomas y u no not b asshoe
Laura is Bitching

by I'm the Bawws. August 22, 2011

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Bitch...well once yu hear someone say that to yu, yu
go mad,,, well dont be!

a bitch is a dog-
a dog barks-
bark is part of a tree-
tree is nature-
and nature is beautiful!!!

ha see! they just called you beautiful LOL xD

person 1: damnt that basterad calling me a bitch!

person 2: hey dont be yu should be happy they just called yu beautiful ^_^

person 1: .....

by MU-HAHAHA June 22, 2009

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1: your best friends sister
2: complaining how everything is against you
3: anybody who stabs you in the back

" Jesus Addison is a bitch"
" Zack bitches about everything"
" That little bitch ratted about my Stash"

by exploding carrots July 23, 2006

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