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fully sick

a guy who owns a BMW
trys to get into fights for no reason
has a really big neck
drives with windows down on a 2 degree night
west sider
says his not a sickcunt but he is

michael is a fully sick

by badeeeeee July 27, 2009

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Porn Sickness

A distorted view of the world due to an obsessive interest in pornography. A subset of internet addiction.

Coined by the r/pornfree community on reddit, porn sickness results from a hyper-imbalanced relationship with pornography, not from the use of porn itself. Bored by the lack of novelty in vanilla content, porn sick users seek out and become familiar with increasingly perverted porn fetishes online. Often they feel as if that there's little that can surprise them anymore.

This oversaturation leads to gradual detaching from society. What is considered normal, even in non-sexual social interactions, tends to fade from memory as the user spirals around their obsessive interest. These affected users tend to find themselves in a "porn focused state of mind" 24/7, left wondering what happened to the original sexual tastes that set them on their dark journey so long ago.

Porn Sickness usually has 3 main tells:
-Decreased enjoyment of pornography
-Increased escalation of said pornography
-A confusing separation from otherwise healthy relationships

Internet addiction is quickly becoming a talking point in today's society....but people are still discovering the symptoms of porn sickness.

Using online activity as a way to detach from real emotions is common in those with internet addiction, but the symptoms of using porn are especially detrimental and lead to porn sickness.

by porn_sickness May 12, 2020

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Sick Delicious

something that is so good ( delicious ) it's sick. Sick meaning good. So sick, it makes you feel funny, but you like it. Something so good you hate it, but you still have to give it props.

Damn!... That's Sick Delicious.

Did you see that shit!... that was Sick Delicious for sure.

by Mr. Sick Delicious February 4, 2010

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Sick boy

The baddest of the bad, the coolest of the cool. Sick boy knife works blades are epic and a legendary masterpiece that Chuck Norris would be proud of.

You can cut down a tree with a sick boy knife and it's still sharp enough to slice up cow for steak dinner afterwards.

by Rengle d dangle December 21, 2016

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Sick Biscuit

a vagina that is
- infected with any sort of virus, disease, STD
- smells/looks unappetizing
- on the rag
once i saw that she had a sick biscuit, and i wasn't in the mood anymore.

once i saw that she had a sick biscuit, i wasn't in the mood anymore.

by throwback402 April 5, 2008

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sick willy

To Jizz, cum, ejaculate.

To make ones willy sick or alternatively sick willies all round ye ho.

by SickWilly August 19, 2003

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Cat sick

When you have a lunch that consists of some kind of lumpy slush with chunks in.

Person: What's that you're having for lunch Rohaan?

Rohaan: Coronation chicken on a baked potato

Person: So it's cat sick then.

by Grammar_Queen February 28, 2011

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