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A party thrown by a guy in which only guys show up: a complete disappointment. Originates from the term "no-show."

Guy #1: We should go to Chris's party so we can meet up with some girls.

Guy #2: It's not worth it, his last party was a complete bro-show.

by nxaw91 February 22, 2009

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Gong Show

1. Title of a schlocky 1970s syndicated series starring Chuck Barris and featuring the dubious talents of Gene Gene The Dancing Machine, The Unknown Comic and many others.

2. A group of stupid, incompetent and/or crooked people, doing stuff that would get them fired from most other places.

3. A situation where anything that could go wrong does.

The Gong Show turned your brains into mush in a half hour.

The whole fucking place is a gong show, nobody knows what they are doing.

The party last night was one big gong show. The DJ played The Carpenters, we had nothing but stale Cheetos and warm beer, and we watched Gigli on TV. We should have stayed home!

by The Real Canadian July 10, 2021

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the attic show

its a show in the attic a rip of jackass or mom its TOP BANNANA

this the attic show it second to bannans no more

by manbeast hunter March 30, 2005

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Bad for the show

--When things go bad during an event you are attending or when you are simply out on the town and an insignificant to major mishap makes the night annoying or a major inconvenience.

The phrase came about from a comedian I heard on Bob and Tom radio saying "aw Craig, that's not good for da show". One night while out drinking somebody spilled a drink and I replied with "that's not good for da show" out of no where. Amazed with my slight ingenuity and alcohol induced state, a few more times of the phrase and it stuck with my friends as well. To this day we still use it in our inner circle.

Aw man, here comes my ex....that's bad for the show..

by mac tut June 22, 2010

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Bloody show

When a woman is on her period And she rubs her bloody vagina on a man’s face after sex.

I was taking Karen to pound town and she finished me off with a bloody show.

by Pineapple trombone May 28, 2018

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peep show

To stare or spy on another person for the purposes of spreading rumors.

Nigga, what you lookin' at. This ain't no damn free peep show.

by M!K3 S^C^H^U^TT^3R June 26, 2003

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gong show

a very roudy classroom and bouncy off the walls. Not listening to the teacher, everyones got there own conversation going on. And the teacher can't get anyones attention. Kids running around telling jokes and everything.

kendra and katelyn your turnnig this class room into a gong show.

by Leda November 19, 2005

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