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The feeling you get when you listen to 2025 by Bohdi

Guy 1 -You listened to 2025?
Guy 2 -Ye, it kinda shit.
Guy 1 -But you do get the vibes tho?
Guy 2 -Fuck yeah!

by ThatSasgGuy May 4, 2021



Person #1: "Dude that guy is vibe(ing) rn."

Person #1 again: "Wait, nvm that's just @bigheadmarty."

by SweetBologna584 November 13, 2019


A secular form of prayer.

I’m sending good vibes your way, bro.

by txav8er February 15, 2018


Vibe short for vibrations the literal display of energy present in all living things and non living things . Felt and known by all living things but only recognized by a few. It’s a feeling interpreted in waves of highs and lows, it’s a presence that informs of us something we personally recognize of the moment. It’s an initiate recognition of energy that exist between life, similar to radio waves but unrecognizable by any technology.

pass the dutchie 'pon the left hand side and vibe.

by Jupiterhas79 July 10, 2022


When everyone is having a good time and just chillin.

Hey Rylee wall the site ?
Nah you ruined my vibe.

by chaziebear September 30, 2021


The thing you need to check for approval when whacking someone with an object or fists.

Hold on, I need to check my vibes.

by Saggytits McGee November 4, 2019



wow this is such a vibe.

by rick43615912851116 July 4, 2022