An expression of amused exasperation at, or well-deserved and hilarious mockery of the apparent inability of manlets in general to comprehend and accept their rightful and eternal position at the very bottom of the social food chain. Relentlessly driven forward by his gnawing and ever-present Napoleon complex, complete desperation and utter delusion, the stunted, pathetic and deeply insecure manlet continually exposes himself to justified public ridicule, humiliation and condemnation. Thereby necessitating the question: manlets, when will they learn?
Why are all those sobbing sissy manlet boys dejectedly sitting around in front of the sperm bank over there? Don't you know? You have to be 5ft10 or taller to donate sperm. Hahahahaha! Manlets, when will they learn?
When your gay ass friend leAves the chat because he realises he true sexuality and that he likes cock up the bum
God that guy is a good example of when Reece leaves the chat
a meme made by Hawsi and you use it to make people laugh (no context)
people: *having nice conversation*
a person: yo lads guess what!??! me when ps5 ASDASGASXCYX)(Z(/$Z!(/"ZDHASJDHAJS4
The catchphrase of boomers in particular, possibly coming from the movie "Stripes" is a phrase that fuels their narccisim and the outcome being they wonder why their kids and grand kids go No Contact and abandon them or throw them into homes and abandon them.
The idea is you are supposed to question an order not act in blind subordenation. They just say "JUMP!" being confused you ask "How high and why?"
Boomers comically use the phrase "If your friend jumps off a bridge would you follow?" fueling more of their hypocisy.
"When I say "jump" you say "how high?"-Boomers
"Why do my kids hate me?"-Boomers
to indicate the need of help or warn that time has stoppe
so. when the when is when it when
A reply typically given to someone anticipating your next move ;implying that you will only perform at your most optimal level when everything has come to a standstill from the ensuing shitstorm.
Person 1: "Ready to climb devil's canyon?"
Person 2: "When the air is dry."